Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

Quick, name a Nintendo franchise. What? No! Screw that mustache-toting red fat-ass and his skinny, idiotic green brother. And the hell with that pointy-eared elf who has been saving a pretty little elf from the same ugly bad guy for over two decades now.

Bringing down the house

Amid a foggy mid-morning backdrop, key members of Portland State’s faculty and student body met with community leaders in the Urban Center Plaza to swing sledgehammers and congratulate one another as they commenced the demolition of the Portland Center for Advanced Technology building.

Low-income housing: Can I apply?

Life in Portland can be very expensive. The median income for a single resident in the greater metropolitan area for 2007 is $46,850, making the asking price of $875 per month (before utilities) at the swanky on-campus Southpark Square sound reasonable.

As grim as you wanna be

Have you ever read a grimoire, or book of magical wisdom? They’re commonly dark and scary, bursting with information about cursing your foes into utter misery. Placing the word ”grim” in front of ”grimoire” leads to ideas about sinister magical creatures hell-bent on punishing all who exist to suffer mortal agony.