There is no right way to be gay

The LGBTQ+ is a marginalized community that in times of animosity cannot turn against itself. Self-identity and labels are not up for debate. Queer people must be careful to not…

Rap Rules Everything Around Me

Rap music has influenced pop music more than the Beatles. One of the greatest impacts on pop music is rap music and the culture that follows. The sound that was…

Not for all

Historically Black colleges and universities are an amazing opportunity for Black youth, but aren’t an ideal fit for all, and their decisions to not attend should not be vilified. The…

Black History Matters

Black history is part of American history and does not belong on a separate timeline. The exclusion of such a vital part of history is affecting students in our current…

Sorry Ms. Jackson

Music brings our brain to a state of nostalgia, especially the 2000s music of our adolescence. Even though the music industry is more diverse than ever, we still find ourselves…

The Golden Parachute in Corporate America

When corporations fall apart, usually the employees suffer too. In the case of high-ranking executives, when their companies start to crumble they get rich…well, richer. The seemingly fall from grace…