Top 10 albums by Shane Danaher

1. MGMT – Oracular Spectacular
These guys are very good at creating pop music. Their work is slick, occasionally funny, insightful and packaged in an ethos that is all the more attractive for reeking of marketing division tinkering.

Get your sport on

10. Bowl games, bowl games, bowl games
Enjoy one of the few events that the worldwide leader truly pulls off like a champion. ESPN owns the broadcasting rights to the majority of the 34 games that will conclude right around the same time you are expected to return for winter quarter.

Portland State resources

With 25,000 students and more than 50 buildings scattered across 49 acres, Portland State’s campus is a place where it is easy to lose your way. But just because you are new to Portland State, or are unable to navigate its vastness, does not mean you should wander blindly around campus, unaware of where resources are and how to make use of them. Not to worry–here is a handy guide to resources around the university that will make your life easier.


On behalf of all Portland State students, we would like to welcome our new university president, Wim Wiewel. Wiewel’s arrival on campus brings about an array of notions, including hope for the future, expectations and questions pertaining to where this university is headed and when it will arrive there.

2007 Vanguard End of the Year Sports Awards

Each year, Portland State student athletes and coaches devote their time and effort to proudly represent the Viking name in the field of play. But little reward in the form of honor or recognition comes out of this grueling, rigorous schedule.