Japanese dance embodies local lives

Documentary The Local Culture Project captures Portland dance group’s art and life explorations

On the outskirts of North Portland, the Headwaters Theatre stands tucked against a stretch of rail yard on the edge of the Piedmont District. Here, the theater’s founder, Mizu Desierto, often plays host to contemporary art and dance originating locally and abroad.

The original Portland Occupiers

This Friday’s The Seventh Day documentary screening depicts Park Blocks Riot of 1970

On Monday, May 11, 1970, Portland State students had been on strike for nearly a week. The campus had been closed since the previous Thursday, and the mayor, the commissioner of parks, Gov. Tom McCall and the citizenry were running out of patience.

Sound advice

Independent filmmaker, sound production expert Kelley Baker to promote his latest book at Northwest Film Center

For a man regularly referred to as “The Angry Filmmaker,” Kelley Baker is surprisingly mild and friendly.

Baker will offer filmmaking advice and sign copies of his newest book, Survival Guide Part Two: Sound Conversations with (un)Sound People, at the Northwest Film Center tomorrow evening.

Joseph Beuys made it cool to be German again

Portland Art Museum displays the artwork of post-World War II artist Joseph Beuys in ongoing exhibition

The Portland Art Museum presents the work of mid-20th century artist Joseph Beuys, whose installation props express his appreciation of nature and Germany’s ancient past and traditions. It will be on view through Sunday, May 27, so it’s not too late to check it out.

Tomb raider

Egyptologist Nigel Strudwick to lecture at PSU about 20-year excavation

From the architectural marvels like the Great Sphinx and the pyramids to the ancient tomb of the child-king Tutankhamen, ancient Egypt has long captured the world’s imagination.

Sacred language

PSU’s Kanaan Kanaan hosts Arabic calligraphy workshop to raise awareness of Islamic culture

Kanaan Kanaan, a Portland State Middle East Studies student adviser, was named after the Canaanites, who were among the earliest inhabitants of the ancient Middle East and, therefore, among the earliest influences on the Arabic language. In the wake of 9/11, Kanaan has used Arabic to communicate positive elements of Islamic culture.

Brahams, Debussy and Panizza

Andy Sharma, Janet Coleman to play in junior clarinet and piano recital

“For me, it’s about making intelligent consensus and understanding one another’s viewpoints,” pianist Anirunn “Andy” Sharma said of his musical partnership with clarinetist Janet Coleman. “Unlike a concerto, where there are more people playing, this is a chamber piece—you can hear the clarinet and the piano individually.”

Slouching toward pop metal

Torche cranks melody up to 11 on their album Harmonicraft

As far as metal bands go, not many are known for being as melodically diverse yet as indie cred-soaked as Torche.

Nectar mimosas and sunset martinis

Two tantalizing drinks to celebrate a gathering of friends or a spring romance

Going out for drinks can empty your wallet pretty fast. Why not save your cash and invite the whole crew over for some delicious homemade cocktails? Nectar mimosas and sweet sunset martinis taste like pure sunshine in a glass and can really get your party started. 

A celebration of tribal pride

The annual Naimuma Powwow builds community, brings attention to indigenous cultures

The dancers, the drums, the food and the people—the annual Naimuma Powwow has all the ingredients for a good time.

It will open at the Stott Center with the first grand entry May 5 at 1 p.m., followed by the second at 7 p.m. The third grand entry will take place May 6 at 1 p.m.