Intrinsic motivation as a lifestyle

In education and work settings, we are expected to work faster, harder and better when extrinsic factors such as material gains, money, status, increased salary or grades are on the…

The right kind of representation

Transgender individuals often face disenfranchisement and marginalization on a daily basis. This is not new information. And for some reason, any kind of representation in mainstream Hollywood is considered a…

Why are we still debating abortion?

United States Attorney General Jeff Sessions recently created a Religious Liberty Task Force to ensure “[federal] employees know their duties to accommodate people of faith,” Sessions said. As Vox put…

It’s time to rethink veganism

For a movement that’s entire purpose is ending systematic oppression by welcoming empathy, it’s unfortunate how exclusionary the mainstream vegan community has become. Current attitudes surrounding contemporary veganism encourage the…

America the empire

While the British Empire is permanently in the background of Western imperialism, the United States has never admitted to such a legacy. This is not to say it has nothing…