The future of Chiron Studies remains uncertain. After a meeting last week with Portland State administration, Chiron Studies Director Rozzell Medina said that a decision on program funding had not been re
Chiron Studies funding remains unclear

The future of Chiron Studies remains uncertain.
After a meeting last week with Portland State administration, Chiron Studies Director Rozzell Medina said that a decision on program funding had not been reached.
“There are a lot of students who are really concerned that this program will go away and that the administration will have managed to kill the program by not funding it,” Medina said.
Funding for the long-standing program that allows students to design and teach courses not offered by the university was discontinued in June 2012. Since then, volunteer coordinators and supporters of the program have lobbied the administration for renewed funding.
“The meeting didn’t go as we hoped, because we still aren’t guaranteed a budget for next year,” Medina said.
Medina met with Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Sona Andrews on Thursday to discuss the future of the program. Although long-term funding options were explored, how the program will be funded in the immediate future remains undecided.
Andrews is still gathering information before giving a response to Chiron Studies coordinators, said her assistant, Cathy Knight. The provost declined comment before next week.
“I understand that there is information she wants to research following our meeting,” Medina said. Andrews plans to give Chiron coordinators some information by Friday, he explained. “Hopefully by that time we will have a guarantee of a budget.
“[The provost] wants to find out where exactly the tuition revenue will go,” Medina said.
Though former Provost Roy Koch cited budgetary concerns as a reason for discontinuing Chiron Studies funding, Medina said that the tuition brought in by the program vastly exceeds its budget. This concern was not fully resolved during the meeting, Medina said.
“[It was addressed] to an extent. There’s a lot of conversation around where tuition raised by student credit hours goes,” Medina said. “That conversation is convoluting a lot of conversation around budget and creating an atmosphere of uncertainty.
“It’s a really unfortunate situation,” Medina continued. “While we understand that there are budget cuts all over the university, those budget cuts are usually in the 2 to 4 percent range. A program that our students really love and value was cut by 100 percent without an adequate explanation of why that happened.”
Medina did not get the sense that Andrews was particularly supportive of the program itself, but he remained hopeful that other members of the administration will help garner support. Associate Vice Provost for Undergraduate Success Sukhwant Jhaj, who was also present at the meeting, showed support toward the program, according to Medina.
“I think that our leaders are hopeful that there is potential to work with [Jhaj toward] a sustainable future for the program,” Medina said.
Medina was also optimistic that Chiron Studies instructors, who have been teaching without pay, will be compensated for their time.
“One thing that was promising is that there was indication…that the administration might be willing to rectify the situation of our instructors and myself not being paid,” Medina said. “We’ve been part of this university for almost half a century, so there really is no right for the university not to compensate our instructors.”
Future funding options for Chiron Studies included integration into existing departments, but Medina remains concerned about funding for the upcoming school year.
“This thing is unfolding very slowly,” Medina said.
Thanks to the Vanguard for covering this important story. I hope that students will think long and hard about where their tuition dollars are going. Are they going to support programs that they support and value? If not, will the administration listen to students’ voices and fund those programs? As a PSU student, Chiron Studies has been among the most transformative and distinguishing opportunities I have received, and I know that I am not alone in saying that. It will be a real shame if administrators are able to kill this program just by defunding it. What a terrible precedent that would be.
Thank you Vanguard for this story. As a member of the Chiron Studies Committee and graduate student in the Leadership for Sustainability Education program, I think its critical that students are informed about the current status of this amazing program and its tenuous future. Thanks for helping us to garner more support for Chiron studies.
I completely agree with the gratitude and appreciation toward the support of the Vanguard. It seems a critical time in life to make decisions that can have lasting impacts. Chiron truly represents what education can achieve and offer. It genuinely enriches and nourishes the learning experience. does so in an equitable manner for the school, and stands as monument to the call of the university motto to, “Let Knowledge Serve the City.” May the truth nourish the roots!
I participated in Chiron event in the park blocks this year. It was a 45 minute session. All I can say is that I left a better person than I entered. There is value in Chiron. I am not quite sure how it would loose money for PSU if the instructors are students but I am not an accountant. I would be interested in hearing more about this.
Chiron Studies is one of the most important programs at PSU with regards to innovation and leadership empowerment. Without it, PSU is gouging it’s own eyes out, unable to see forward and create leaders for a resilient tomorrow. Programs that focus on ending oppression have emerged out of Chiron and make PSU a school that community leaders want to attend.
I am ashamed to think PSU leadership is willing to cut such forward-thinking off at a time when our society is in need of these solutions the most.
How much does the Chiron program cost?
Can you find out how much the recent remodeling of Wim’s office cost? Probably more than the money to keep Chiron Studies alive.
May Chiron, the centaur, symbol of wisdom and education, teach some of the fools opposing the program what is right, and if they still refuse to listen, secure with their high salaries that we pay for, awaken them by trampling them just a bit, to wake them up.