Jackpot vs. the world!
Jackpot Records
203 S.W. 9th
3736 S.E. Hawthorne Blvd
What it is: Mostly independent music selection or whatever’s cool.
Employees: Mostly independent musicians doing whatever’s cool.
Bongs?: Yeah, right.
Locations: Two.
Prices: Reasonable.
Side note: Sells fire-flavored cinnamon toothpicks for 25 cents a pack. Jackpot is the best independent record store in Portland.
Everyday Music
1313 W. Burnside
1931 N.E. Sandy Blvd.
3290 S.W. Cedar Hills Blvd.
What it is: Damn near everything, but nothing you want.
Employees: Wish they worked at Jackpot. Keep any good stuff for themselves.
Bongs?: No, but they should.
Locations: Three.
Prices: Food stamps accepted.
Side note: This store will buy anything, even stolen karaoke CDs if you have the case. Everyday is the Goodwill of record stores.
Ozone Records & Ozone Records UK
701 E. Burnside
UK: 10 N.W. 10th Avenue
What it is: One great record store split into two not-as-great record stores. Good selection of independents and hard to find imports.
Employees: Probably argue that they work at the real Ozone.
Bongs?: Tons. It’s like a miniature headshop over on the east side. Don’t mention marijuana around the bongs. Ashcroft lurks.
Locations: Two.
Prices: Reasonable to expensive for the imports.
Side note: The original had a better selection, was more convenient, and had a crusty Nag Champa coziness to it. Pearl District developers drove them out by raising the rent or something.
Music Millennium
3158 E. Burnside
801 N.W. 23rd
What it is: Fancy-pants Pacific Northwesterny record store for the over-thirty demographic.
Employees: See above.
Bongs?: Excuse me?
Locations: Two.
Prices: Pony up.
Side note: The store on 23rd has velvet thrown about for effect and fancy skylights. The S.E. store feels like a modern hippy cabin inside. They’ve captured the essence of each neighborhood, I suppose.