ASPSU president responds to criticisms following recent arrest
Former ASPSU Vice President Ethan Allen Smith has said that Adam Rahmlow should resign as ASPSU president after it surfaced that Rahmlow recently spent three days in jail for violating the terms of his probation, which stemmed from a prior conviction of resisting arrest.
“There’s no way that PSU athletes would be allowed to continue on the team if they spent time in jail during the season,” Smith said. “It’s absolutely amazing that Adam Rahmlow can keep his job just because he wants it, and that there is no automatic recourse for removing someone who was arrested while serving as a senator and spent time in jail while in office as president.”
ASPSU president responds to criticisms following recent arrest
Former ASPSU Vice President Ethan Allen Smith has said that Adam Rahmlow should resign as ASPSU president after it surfaced that Rahmlow recently spent three days in jail for violating the terms of his probation, which stemmed from a prior conviction of resisting arrest.
“There’s no way that PSU athletes would be allowed to continue on the team if they spent time in jail during the season,” Smith said. “It’s absolutely amazing that Adam Rahmlow can keep his job just because he wants it, and that there is no automatic recourse for removing someone who was arrested while serving as a senator and spent time in jail while in office as president.”
Adam Wickham / Vanguard StaffAdam Rahmlow, current ASPSU president.
Records indicate Rahmlow was booked into Multnomah County Jail on Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2011, and discharged on Nov. 11, after he was convicted of violating the terms of his probation by traveling out of state without the permission of the court, as well as making dishonest statements to the court regarding that unauthorized travel.
“The dishonesty lies in the fact that I knew I needed permission,” Rahmlow said.
The ASPSU president also had his probation extended by one year following the recent arrest. It is the second time Rahmlow has been arrested while serving as a member of ASPSU; the first occurred during the summer of 2010 when Rahmlow, then an ASPSU senator, refused to leave the Dixie Tavern, where he had been drinking with friends. An altercation with police ensued. A jury convicted Rahmlow of resisting arrest.
Rahmlow declined the Vanguard’s request to be interviewed in person, but answered questions via email on Sunday, Nov. 20.
“I hope students still judge me on my actions as president,” Rahmlow said. “My past indiscretion does not prevent me from fulfilling my duties as president nor does it prevent me from continuing the great success of our ASPSU team.”
When asked to elaborate on the specific accomplishments of his administration, Rahmlow replied, “Our administration, as a team, has accomplished many great feats already this year. But, it would be difficult for me to summarize our achievements in such a short space. Please visit ASPSU’s main page for details.”
Rahmlow was reminded that there are no space limitations, but did not respond with further details.
Ethan Allen Smith said he is more concerned with what Rahmlow decides to do next.
Adam Wickham / Vanguard StaffEthan Allen Smith, former ASPSU vice president.
“He should resign,” Smith said. “The position of ASPSU president is too important to leave to someone who could be in jail during negotiations over whether or not tuition will be increased next year. If he’s literally incapable of performing his duties—and he is if he’s in jail—he needs to step down. I would hope that he recognizes that the students are too important and that he should resign. If not, I would hope that the senate would realize that the student body is more important than the individual and impeach him, because it’s not about Adam—it’s about the students.”
The Associated Students of Oregon State University President Milikaleakona “Tonga” Hopoi was impeached and censured by the OSU student government senate on Tuesday, Nov. 1, on charges that she violated constitutional rules regarding ties with the Oregon Student Association, according to OSU Student Media.
The Oregon Student Association is a nonprofit group that lobbies the state legislature on behalf of Oregon students, primarily on issues of tuition.
According to Diane Saunders, Oregon University System director of communications, Senate Bill 242 requires that students be represented on tuition-setting committees that make recommendations on tuition increases. The ASPSU president is an automatic selection for the tuition-setting committee, whose seven student representatives make up the sum total of student input into the tuition-setting process. Tuition committee recommendations go to PSU President Wim Wiewel, who then makes a recommendation to the OUS Chancellor George Pernsteiner, which Pernsteiner then vets.
“I take substantive opinions from ASPSU with a great deal of seriousness,” President Wiewel said.
Both Wiewel and PSU Vice President Monica Rimai have said that a potential 7 percent tuition increase for 2012–13 will be actively discussed early in the new year.
Impeachment of the ASPSU president requires an investigation by the ASPSU judicial board, followed by an ASPSU senate-led trial. The senators who would conduct any such trial would have been appointed directly by the ASPSU president, according to Smith.
“The ASPSU president is the only person, constitutionally, who can appoint senators,” Smith said. “So what’s the vetting process and how will the senators hold him accountable when he breaks the law?”
Rahmlow nominated four senators on Nov. 8, 2011—the day before he began serving the sentence for violating the terms of his probation.
When asked to respond to the student-led movement for his recall, Rahmlow highlighted issues of greater concern for him.
“Student engagement in student government is a wonderful thing,” Rahmlow said. “But I think we can all agree that there are more pressing issues facing students in higher education which demand our attention…I have not found this personal matter to have any impact when advocating for students on the local and state level.”
Smith said that he strongly disagrees with Rahmlow’s assessment of the situation.
“This wasn’t a youthful indiscretion; this was a few months ago,” Smith said. “Adam Rahmlow already addressed the public about the multiple violations of the law that he’s responsible for, and he set his own bar that we should judge him by his actions. Even with the trust that the students gave him, he violated the trust of the students of Portland State to such a degree that he landed himself in jail again. We’re so far past the point of addressing the public that what Adam really needs to do is some serious soul searching for the correct way to resign.”
Smith lost last years election to Rahmlow, who took office after being cleared of violating campaign rules. Smith said that he did not have any ambitions to return to student politics, but as treasurer of Friends of Graphic Design he’s concerned that Rahmlow’s multiple arrests while serving in student government may tarnish the image of PSU and its programs, harming its ability to attract the best students from out of state, who will rely on Google searches for some of their research on universities.
On Monday, Nov. 14, Rahmlow visited the Vanguard office, asking to speak to the editor-in-chief. After giving a brief statement and engaging in several minutes of conversation while standing in the doorway of the Vanguard office, the editor-in-chief discovered that Rahmlow was tape recording the conversation. A small recording device was hidden beneath a single sheet of paper in Rahmlow’s hands. When informed of Oregon state law (legal statute 165.540 states that it is unlawful to “Obtain or attempt to obtain the whole or any part of a conversation by means of any device, contrivance, machine or apparatus, whether electrical, mechanical, manual or otherwise, if not all participants in the conversation are specifically informed that their conversation is being obtained”), Rahmlow said that he had been unaware of this law, and allowed the recording to be erased by the editor-in-chief.
In a subsequent email statement regarding the tape-recorded conversation, Rahmlow said that he did not know that the editor-in-chief was unaware the conversation was being recorded.
Ethan Allen Smith said that he believes the student body president of Oregon’s largest university should be held to a higher standard.
“We wouldn’t accept this from our mayor, we wouldn’t accept it from the quarterback of our football team,” Smith said. “Why would we accept it from our student body president? He does not have the luxury of spending one day in jail if he’s supposed to be at a negotiating table. The PSU student body cannot afford his mistakes.”
This is ridiculous. A probation violation has nothing to do with Adam’s ability to serve the students of Portland State University, and Ethan in this article seems to come across as petty. If Adam were serving time for a violent crime or something equally serious, of course he should not be representing PSU students. But this is far from anything like that.
But… it was a violent crime. He was originally arrested for assault. And this violation does affect his “ability to serve the students” since he can’t serve the students if he’s in jail. Which he was.
I appreciate your loyalty, but your argument is objectively invalid.
He was convicted of resisting arrest. He was arrested for assault. After the charges were dropped, he said, “If you have a really good lawyer, you can work the system and get out of things OK.” You can read the original story here:
So your only grounds for claiming he assaulted a police officer are statements from the police? A charge which didn’t hold up in court due to insufficient evidence per the article you linked to?
Being an impartial observer to this whole event, I can only take the word of the jury, which acquitted him of the charge.
Obviously Adam deceived them as well as he deceived everyone that voted for him. Him being president of the Tennis club going to nationals and international. Please, Tennis club has never made it to national if anything international.
Oh, I’m sorry, he just was physically fighting with a police officer, as the report details. Nothing violent or anything.
Rahmlow & co. are grasping for straws at this point. Look at his original mugshot! You think that wasn’t the result of a violent confrontation? Adam needs to own up to some freaking responsibility for once and quit playing victim. He conveys nothing but weakness and selfishness.
It actually has nothing to do with loyalty. I’m not a friend of Adam’s, nor do I even know him personally. My point is, this incident is being blown out of proportion, just as all the issues with supposed campaign violations in the beginning were blown out of proportion. As noted below, by yourself and another commenter, he was convicted of resisting arrest. Just because you are arrested for assault does not mean that is what actually happened. I am, of course, speaking from ignorance not having been present that night. But there is a big difference between what one is convicted of and what one was arrested for. ASPSU student politics are far too self-important and petty in my view, and this is speaking as a former member of student government. Incidents like these and the unnecessary obsession with incidents like these are part of the reasons why. They are actually a hurdle to serving students since they take away from the actual issues. Yes, I get that if Adam is in jail he cannot serve students during that time. If he were being sentenced to a month or more in prison, I’d see your point. But a weekend? I think he can recover for the lost time. As a side note, Wim doesn’t take any of the ASPSU presidents seriously, unless they play nice and don’t argue with him about anything, so I’m not sure that this specific incident will make that much of a difference. Unless it just serves as Wim’s public excuse for his dismissal of the student voice.
So… your argument is that it doesn’t matter what Adam does because nobody takes ASPSU seriously anyway. Got it. I disagree, but I see where you’re coming from.
My argument is the entirety of the comment above…not the last line of it. I am saying that this is being made a bigger deal than it is. When in engaging in debate, it is important to actually engage with the argument presented to you, and not the one easiest for you to respond to. Thanks.
Jail time is serious. And I, as a PSU student am embarrassed. I find it silly that you do not recognize that someone who has a criminal record of head bunting a female police officer, then put on probation, and then not following the terms of probation “isn’t a big deal”.
Clearly, you do not have much invested in your school or education. But for some of us, we have taken out loans. We are hoping this will provide us future opportunities. Having a President that is a criminal lessens our legitimacy as a school.
Adam Rahmlow needs to come to terms that he is not “entitled” nor is he “special”. He threw an “off the chain” party a couple years ago and has been frat king since. ASPSU is a joke, and his senate cronies are harming our school.
The fact remains, the guy has 2 .. COUNT them, 2 convictions on his record.
This is NOT the type of person I wish to be representing me. He also admitted to LYING to authorities. This calls his character into question. Additionally, him showing up at the Vanguard with a tape recorder? What is he trying to prove? The only thing he’s proved thus far, is his ignorance and utter contempt for both, his peers and authorities (judicial).
If the majority feels the same way, why would we want someone in that position who would garner NO respect? If there is NO support from the people then there is NO legitimacy in his position.
How did we not see this coming? I did, so glad I didn’t vote for him. This guy has a lot of things going against him with the lawful action at the bar, psu tennis club president’s impeachment last year, his recent lawful action that got him landed in jail again, and now the use of a recorder that is unknown to the other person. Not sure how recording a private conversation will even help him at this point if he thinks that can cover his arse somehow. Impeach this guy already he doesn’t deserve a bizillion more chances, his excuses for each altercation gets lamer and lamer each time. Who actually believes his story that he didn’t know recording a private conversation unknown to the other party is the law? Right.. just like he knew that he wasn’t allowed to go out of state during probation, he knows what he’s doing is wrong but does it anyway. Bottom line this guy is bad image for PSU and those who voted for him must be regretting it now, take this guy out of his misery before PSU students and the school takes another big hit. Thank you Vanguard on this update, was waiting for the next incident to happen.
Before he got elected, his credentials/achievements that were posted on the website with the other candidates was stretched from the truth. He mentioned something along the lines “president of PSU tennis club and brought the team to nationals”, I got some friends that are both members and the leaders of that club from what I hear that is not true. He got impeached from PSU tennis club like 3 weeks running as president for tennis club for being reluctant on not doing his duties and many other things. When I heard this story before I voted I went to talk to a few Rec Staffs and they collaborated with the story, it’s funny how this wasn’t introduced in his credentials but instead a full head on lie. He’s lucky no one brought it up or that could of potentially damaged the image he wanted to fool everyone with. All facts, can talk to the Rec Staffs in charge or tennis club. This was bound to happen for him sooner or later, let’s just hope it’s sooner that he’s out of office before it’s too late. If people think he’s still able to run and stay in office that’s truly some loyalty they have for him, you would think these facts would speak for itself.
It IS time for Adam Rahmlow to go! This latest breach of confidentiality, when he tried to record a conversation with the editor-in-chief without informing the editor-in-chief, is simply COWARDICE!!! We, the Student Body of PSU no longer want Adam Rahmlow as our President!
We need more people to speak up for us students. This guy needs to be placed or recalled. How can we be a respected institution if we can let someone like this continue in our office?
Adam is an embarrassment. How in the world does he continue to tell blod face lies to police authorities and then expect other people to respect him. He is a horrible representative of our school. Im embarrassed by him. Resign or we should call for a recall.
Rahmlow is too busy playing house with his girlfriend, spending time in jail and going in and out of court to worry about the needs of our student body. I agree with this article. If this were an athlete he would have been thrown out on his behind the first time. All this clown has to do is follow the law and his terms of his probation and he can’t even do that. He is a joke and he has taken away the chance for someone else to do this job correctly. What an embarrassment to our school. He has made a joke out of the ASPSU.
First of all, why was he even voted into the office if he has poor ethics and was arrested? He has had enough chances. People are sure going to take someone who drinks so much at bars that he is asked to leave and then resists arrest seriously. And come on, how hard is it to even ask the court for permission to leave the state? They probably would’ve said yes. His actions show a lack of responsibility and judgement. This is why I don’t take student politics seriously. If this was anyone in a non student political position, such as mayor. They would already be gone. Plus it’s like a big social club, non of his senators that he appointed will vote him out. He needs to leave. You can’t serve the students of PSU when half of them have no respect or believe in you. Get him out.
I think he should resign. No doubt that he may be a good person and passionate about his job, but people in power are on a higher pedestal and need to be more cautious about their actions. People say we should give him a second chance, well he’s had three now. I believe he could still perform his duties as President well, but ethically speaking he isn’t a sound candidate and representative. Think, what will be the perceived message if Rahmlow stays in office? This is an educational moment for Rahmlow and ASPSU to, in the words of Spike Lee, “Do the right thing.” If the right thing is to keep the position then stop F****** up, tell the truth, respect the consequences, and prepare to be criticized for your actions in and out of office. Welcome to politics.
He illegally tape recorded a conversation with the editor in chief, and then after he’s busted on that he declines to be interviewed in person any further. Shady!
Actually, the Editor-in-Chief is mistaken about ORS 165.540.
It is one person, not ALL Persons, as the article quotes. Here is what the specific statue says:
(1) Except as otherwise provided in ORS 133.724 or 133.726 or subsections (2) to (7) of this section, a person may not:
(a) Obtain or attempt to obtain the whole or any part of a telecommunication or a radio communication to which the person is not a participant, by means of any device, contrivance, machine or apparatus, whether electrical, mechanical, manual or otherwise, unless consent is given by at least one participant.
I think people are a little confused as to how ASPSU Senators are appointed to the Senate.. The potential new Senators first fill out an application and then they go through an interview process with the current Senators. If we feel the candidate isn’t qualified for whatever reason, then we simply do not recommend that they be appointed. Also, the Senate has full authority on appointing a new candidate (once they’ve gone through an interview and are recommended) through a majority vote during meetings. Adam does have a voice in this process, but the process is mostly left to current Senators.
On the other hand, Senators can also be elected into the Senate during Spring term when we have our ASPSU-wide elections.
So Adam puts his friends in the seats, and you approve of more of your clique appointed into the seats. Sounds like a winning plan. ASPSU is a F******g joke.
Actually, everyone that fully fills out a Senate application is entitled to an interview.. A lot of the people who come in and fill one out are new to ASPSU, and sometimes even new to PSU and would very much like to get involved in our student government.
The interview process is the biased portion. An interview does not guarantee a non-biased exertion within the hiring process. I really hope you are not in ASPSU Connie, but by your sheer inability to recognize this notion, you probably are.
I don’t understand why you feel the interview process is biased, but I would like to invite you to speak with me about it if you do have an issue with the process.
Funny. The two people who are responding to you are a former member of the Elections Board, who dismissed all of Rahmlow’s numerous election violations last year, and a sorority officer who ran on Adam Rahmlow’s slate.
And, for the record, both of these Senators voted yes to doubling the Senate’s pay, which is taken directly from Student Fees.
I know ASPSU has a reputation for being cliquey, but this is just sad and ridiculous. If it wasn’t causing actual harm to the students at Portland State, it would be funny. But it’s not funny. At all.
It’s past time for President Rahmlow to resign. He’s proven that he simply can’t be trusted with the job. And the Senate is doing a fine job of proving that they are unwilling to stand up for the students.
If there was a bias in getting appointed to the Senate then I wouldn’t be on the Senate, given that the nature of the infractions hearings after the controversies last spring.
And the members of the Senate did not vote to increase its own pay. Next year’s group is getting a pay raise, which will be decided in a democratic process.
Honestly, what does being an officer in a sorority have anything to do with this issue?
Ethan, nicely said.
By the way, with the pool we had going, I think we both owe Aaron Powell five bucks.
Because people like me were verbally assaulted in the park blocks by your sorority for not supporting Mr Rahmlow in last year’s election.
Your sorority disenfranchised and intimidated students in last year’s student elections regularly, I’ve got more than enough people to back that up if you need further testimony about it. Thanks.
Disenfranchised, verbally assaulted, and intimidated students? How? I know for a fact that I was the only member of my sorority who was actively tabling during elections in the Spring because I was running for a Senate position.
That’s just not true. Lauren Morency, a high profile member of your sorority and former ASPSU Vice President, was one of your and Adam’s biggest supporters. Not only did she wear your shirts while in the Park Blocks, she actively campaigned for your slate.
But let’s not get away from the point: Your loyalty to President Rahmlow instead of the students is part of the problem. This is not about Adam. It’s about the office. It doesn’t matter who the President is. When that President puts his own desires ahead of the needs of the students, he is no longer able to serve.
Rahmlow was not thinking about the students when he went on a camping trip. He was not thinking about the students when he refused to get permission for the trip. He was not thinking about the students when he lied to the court. Rahmlow was thinking about himself.
He should Resign. It is just a bad example. He should make a public statement, apologize and Resign. Then, new elections should be held or proceed according with the ASPSU constitution. Simple.
There seems to be a persistent belief that President Rahmlow was simply visiting his grandmother, which caused him to violate his probation. This is just another lie by a dishonest student leader. He was rock climbing and camping with his brother. Without permission. Then lied about it in court.
It is time for this President to resign so the students can have fair and proper representation.
Get a real life please! Adam is a competent–and coincidentally–HUMAN guy. He’s doing a good job and that’s what I care about. Nowadays 1 in 14 Americans is involved in the justice system–sometimes they’re leaders and we have to say “America has a hypersensitive justice system and this person is involved in it BUT (hold the phone) I) Are they a “bad” person? and II) Does this have anything to do with their performance?
If the answers are no then shut the front door already!
I) Are they a “bad” person?
No. He makes bad choices which affect the students of Portland state and tarnishes the school’s reputation.
II) Does this have anything to do with their performance?
Yes. He was in jail when he should have been representing students. It was literally impossible for him to fulfill his duties because he was sitting behind bars. What’s more, his probation has been extended a year.
President Rahnlow knows as well as we all do that his doing is wrong. Violating a probation to go rock climbing with his brother is wrong, lying about it again is wrong. Although his ability to perform his duties is affected slightly to greatly affected depending on when he is absent. However another individual who can perform the same duties, a cleaner representation of the student body/PSU, and also does not at risk for being absent would be more beneficial for PSU.
With that said, President Raghnlow should humbly resign, apologize if he would like to retain a good relationship with individuals that he has lied to. Portland State University would like to reward another individual that will perform the duties, put effort in being a clean representative for PSU.
Senate meetings are open to the public, in case anyone was wondering. We convene every Tuesday at 5 PM in Smith 296. You are more than welcome to join in on a session and voice your concerns.
The people of this post are speaking, not everyone of us has the convenience of going to a meeting during our work hours. Let the words on this school newspaper and comments speak for us.
All I see is backhanded comments from one clique to another. The only difference is that some people are using their real names and other are not. I’m sure some of these comments against Adam are by people that worked on Ethan’s campaign. However I can’t help but note that Ethan got the lowest number of votes and now seems to use his formal title for a failed senate for pseudo clout.
Marcus Sis, was he the guy that brought most of the infractions against Adam? Most of which ended up having no grounds or anyone to attest to them.
Funny that the failed alumni are no better than the current president…
Can we recall ASPSU for reform?!
I think the most interesting part about this article is the hidden recorder. Everyone by now knows Adam has a criminal record. That hasn’t stopped him from making a PSU political career for himself. What really matters is if he is going to keep violating laws. Without a doubt I am convinced that he will continue to break the rules, laws and lie about it as well.
Adam already knew about the recording law from his illegal meeting last year in student government. You can ask the current JBoard Chair for details. I’m not surprised he lied about it to the editor-in-chief.
This whole situation with Adam is an embarrassment to PSU.
As both an appointed (Spring 2011) and an elected Senator (currently), I’d like to mention two things:
The Senate does not impeach the Student Body President–the Judicial Board does. Any student who feels they have cause may bring a charge of impeachment to the Judicial Board. The Judicial Board will determine if there is cause. If the Judicial Board determines articles of impeachment are appropriate they will file the articles which then must be heard by the Senate in a public trial.
Under our current President, the system for bringing new officers into ASPSU is the most open and unbiased that any of us are aware has ever been in place.
If you have any ideas as to how to reform YOUR student government, let your Senator know; and if you truly believe you have grounds for impeachment then go to the Judicial Board. And yes, I did vote for an increase in award to Tier 2 positions: The Senate, Judicial Board, and Elections Board. I really hope people realise that it is next year’s officers who will benefit, not this year’s, so if you think you would do a better job, run for office, and if you receive the higher compensation and come to realise that it does help a little, and it helps bring in people from lower economic statuses perhaps you’ll look back at us a little more favourably.
As it is now, the average Senator, Judicial Board member, and Elections Board member receive about $52 a week to try and serve their fellow students. We’ve asked that it be raised to about $73. Considering the work that many do–the lobbying, the research, the meetings with administration and lawmakers, the outreach, the fighting to keep tuition from rising 12-15% per year, the fights to keep our faculty here, and more–asking each student if they can give about $0.80 per quarter to support this work (that is the amount I believe is the cost for tier 2 per student) which can result in hundreds of dollars in savings isn’t going too far. If you disagree lobby us, run for office, become Senators and vote to reduce the amount to what you think is right. But no matter how you approach it, contact us directly…this is not really a forum for change, this is a forum for complaints. If you actually want change, 23 Senators are waiting to hear from you; not from the comments section of the Vanguard’s website.
AND: to the Vanguard: do not publish/print this comment unless it is printed in its entirety.
I still completely disagree with you concerning next year’s pay increases for tier 2 officers, but thanks for being reasonable and intelligent in your response. ASPSU could learn from your maturity.
Cool story. I’m going to speak as an average student, meaning I have no involvement with the ASPSU in anyway (except being a student). If you have read all the articles about Adam’s actions and his history, you can easily see what a corrupt person he is, especially this late in the term.
After reading your side of the story, students can still spot corruption in ASPSU workers, along with Adam. It is not farfetched to think that some ASPSU staff are working with Adam to find ways to exploit the system for personal gain. For instance, the issue on raising ASPSU worker’s salaries for next year’s ASPSU staff; perhaps before the proposal ASPSU discussed privately (among the staffs/selective staffs or not) on how the raise can be shared among the current ASPSU staff (just a reasonable thought which is very do-able).
Where am I going with this? You and the majority of the individuals working with Adam say almost the same thing (support/excuses for each other and encourage us to talk to you guys about the issues). The issues on Adam is solid, yet it is funny how it is not clear to you people that something needs to be done about Adam, as he is not fit as ASPSU president due to all the lies, his hidden agendas, and MULTIPLE illegal actions. The student body by now gets the sense that the senators and other staff would do the right thing, which they have not. Students and others who share the same concern have no course of action but to complain in the Vanguard discussions, because you people are not willing to do the right and obvious thing.
AND: This message isn’t directed to all of ASPSU members (as I’m sure there are some what’s really best for PSU), but seriously this is a big problem with Adam and you guys don’t need us students to keep reminding you that it is, so please do the right thing. No point in telling us to come in and discuss it in person when there are issues on Adam with solid proof that he is INCAPABLE of being the honest president and one that can follow the laws and standard regulations.
In the last five years as an observer of ASPSU, I have seen some truly crooked politicians. I have seen SFC members who used their student group budgets as their personel expense fund. I have seen $30,000 retroactive raises to SALP administrators, and I have seen ASPSU presidents who funneled student fees to their future employers, OSPIRG. But I have never seen an ASPSU President who provided the leadership and service to the student body as Adam Rahmlow has. Futhermore, Ethan Allan Smith’s comments that a student athlete would not be treated so leniately is completely false. Anyone remember the basketball player Jeremiah Dominguez?
Well said Alex. It’s reassuring to hear from another person, it just shows that there are people probably many that don’t have the same trust within ASPSU anymore, especially this year and the years to come. We are suppose to come to them and trust them? Yet they can’t even do the obvious and right call even when the facts are out there against Adam as clear as day. It shouldn’t have to take the Vanguard or students to lay everything out for them. The ASPSU know what’s wrong and public would seem to got it right in calling them spineless to deal with this issue. If things continue as they are with nothing being done, you can bet that there are going to be a dramatic decrease of students involved with ASPSU or want to hear what ASPSU has to say. I’m glad this is my last year, so I don’t have to physically be here and see that PSU name will be tarnished if this is the type of stuff that’s going to occur throughout this year and the years to come.
I just want to make it clear tp “funnybutstick”? that I support Adam Rahmlow. There are a lot of crooked politicians, but he is not one of them. He is just a young man who made a couple of mistakes. Impeachment is for shady politicians, not young men who make mistakes.
Repeatedly lying to the students you’re supposed to represent as well as law enforcement seems pretty shady to me.
And don’t forget the illegal hidden tape recorder when talking to the editor just recently. That goes above and beyond “mistake,” and shows an absolute lack of remorse on Adam’s part.
Now here’s some common sense! If Rahmlow refuses to resign and the Senate is too spineless to impeach him, we, the students, have no choice but to recall him. Adam Rahmlow should step down and let Pearce Whitehead represent the students properly.
This is ridiculous. A probation violation has nothing to do with Adam’s ability to serve the students of Portland State University, and Ethan in this article seems to come across as petty. If Adam were serving time for a violent crime or something equally serious, of course he should not be representing PSU students. But this is far from anything like that.
But… it was a violent crime. He was originally arrested for assault. And this violation does affect his “ability to serve the students” since he can’t serve the students if he’s in jail. Which he was.
I appreciate your loyalty, but your argument is objectively invalid.
Actually, the article says the original charge was resisting arrest, not assault. Resisting arrest is not necessarily a violent crime.
He was convicted of resisting arrest. He was arrested for assault. After the charges were dropped, he said, “If you have a really good lawyer, you can work the system and get out of things OK.” You can read the original story here:
So your only grounds for claiming he assaulted a police officer are statements from the police? A charge which didn’t hold up in court due to insufficient evidence per the article you linked to?
Being an impartial observer to this whole event, I can only take the word of the jury, which acquitted him of the charge.
Obviously Adam deceived them as well as he deceived everyone that voted for him. Him being president of the Tennis club going to nationals and international. Please, Tennis club has never made it to national if anything international.
Oh, I’m sorry, he just was physically fighting with a police officer, as the report details. Nothing violent or anything.
Rahmlow & co. are grasping for straws at this point. Look at his original mugshot! You think that wasn’t the result of a violent confrontation? Adam needs to own up to some freaking responsibility for once and quit playing victim. He conveys nothing but weakness and selfishness.
It actually has nothing to do with loyalty. I’m not a friend of Adam’s, nor do I even know him personally. My point is, this incident is being blown out of proportion, just as all the issues with supposed campaign violations in the beginning were blown out of proportion. As noted below, by yourself and another commenter, he was convicted of resisting arrest. Just because you are arrested for assault does not mean that is what actually happened. I am, of course, speaking from ignorance not having been present that night. But there is a big difference between what one is convicted of and what one was arrested for. ASPSU student politics are far too self-important and petty in my view, and this is speaking as a former member of student government. Incidents like these and the unnecessary obsession with incidents like these are part of the reasons why. They are actually a hurdle to serving students since they take away from the actual issues. Yes, I get that if Adam is in jail he cannot serve students during that time. If he were being sentenced to a month or more in prison, I’d see your point. But a weekend? I think he can recover for the lost time. As a side note, Wim doesn’t take any of the ASPSU presidents seriously, unless they play nice and don’t argue with him about anything, so I’m not sure that this specific incident will make that much of a difference. Unless it just serves as Wim’s public excuse for his dismissal of the student voice.
So… your argument is that it doesn’t matter what Adam does because nobody takes ASPSU seriously anyway. Got it. I disagree, but I see where you’re coming from.
My argument is the entirety of the comment above…not the last line of it. I am saying that this is being made a bigger deal than it is. When in engaging in debate, it is important to actually engage with the argument presented to you, and not the one easiest for you to respond to. Thanks.
Jail time is serious. And I, as a PSU student am embarrassed. I find it silly that you do not recognize that someone who has a criminal record of head bunting a female police officer, then put on probation, and then not following the terms of probation “isn’t a big deal”.
Clearly, you do not have much invested in your school or education. But for some of us, we have taken out loans. We are hoping this will provide us future opportunities. Having a President that is a criminal lessens our legitimacy as a school.
Adam Rahmlow needs to come to terms that he is not “entitled” nor is he “special”. He threw an “off the chain” party a couple years ago and has been frat king since. ASPSU is a joke, and his senate cronies are harming our school.
Your logic seems to be failing you.
The fact remains, the guy has 2 .. COUNT them, 2 convictions on his record.
This is NOT the type of person I wish to be representing me. He also admitted to LYING to authorities. This calls his character into question. Additionally, him showing up at the Vanguard with a tape recorder? What is he trying to prove? The only thing he’s proved thus far, is his ignorance and utter contempt for both, his peers and authorities (judicial).
If the majority feels the same way, why would we want someone in that position who would garner NO respect? If there is NO support from the people then there is NO legitimacy in his position.
How did we not see this coming? I did, so glad I didn’t vote for him. This guy has a lot of things going against him with the lawful action at the bar, psu tennis club president’s impeachment last year, his recent lawful action that got him landed in jail again, and now the use of a recorder that is unknown to the other person. Not sure how recording a private conversation will even help him at this point if he thinks that can cover his arse somehow. Impeach this guy already he doesn’t deserve a bizillion more chances, his excuses for each altercation gets lamer and lamer each time. Who actually believes his story that he didn’t know recording a private conversation unknown to the other party is the law? Right.. just like he knew that he wasn’t allowed to go out of state during probation, he knows what he’s doing is wrong but does it anyway. Bottom line this guy is bad image for PSU and those who voted for him must be regretting it now, take this guy out of his misery before PSU students and the school takes another big hit. Thank you Vanguard on this update, was waiting for the next incident to happen.
What’s this about tennis club?
Before he got elected, his credentials/achievements that were posted on the website with the other candidates was stretched from the truth. He mentioned something along the lines “president of PSU tennis club and brought the team to nationals”, I got some friends that are both members and the leaders of that club from what I hear that is not true. He got impeached from PSU tennis club like 3 weeks running as president for tennis club for being reluctant on not doing his duties and many other things. When I heard this story before I voted I went to talk to a few Rec Staffs and they collaborated with the story, it’s funny how this wasn’t introduced in his credentials but instead a full head on lie. He’s lucky no one brought it up or that could of potentially damaged the image he wanted to fool everyone with. All facts, can talk to the Rec Staffs in charge or tennis club. This was bound to happen for him sooner or later, let’s just hope it’s sooner that he’s out of office before it’s too late. If people think he’s still able to run and stay in office that’s truly some loyalty they have for him, you would think these facts would speak for itself.
It IS time for Adam Rahmlow to go! This latest breach of confidentiality, when he tried to record a conversation with the editor-in-chief without informing the editor-in-chief, is simply COWARDICE!!! We, the Student Body of PSU no longer want Adam Rahmlow as our President!
We need more people to speak up for us students. This guy needs to be placed or recalled. How can we be a respected institution if we can let someone like this continue in our office?
lol I bet president wiewel’s gonna take this guy real seriously now! what a joke!
Adam is an embarrassment. How in the world does he continue to tell blod face lies to police authorities and then expect other people to respect him. He is a horrible representative of our school. Im embarrassed by him. Resign or we should call for a recall.
Rahmlow is too busy playing house with his girlfriend, spending time in jail and going in and out of court to worry about the needs of our student body. I agree with this article. If this were an athlete he would have been thrown out on his behind the first time. All this clown has to do is follow the law and his terms of his probation and he can’t even do that. He is a joke and he has taken away the chance for someone else to do this job correctly. What an embarrassment to our school. He has made a joke out of the ASPSU.
I too saw this coming long before the elections. Time to get someone trustworthy into the ASPSU President’s seat!
First of all, why was he even voted into the office if he has poor ethics and was arrested? He has had enough chances. People are sure going to take someone who drinks so much at bars that he is asked to leave and then resists arrest seriously. And come on, how hard is it to even ask the court for permission to leave the state? They probably would’ve said yes. His actions show a lack of responsibility and judgement. This is why I don’t take student politics seriously. If this was anyone in a non student political position, such as mayor. They would already be gone. Plus it’s like a big social club, non of his senators that he appointed will vote him out. He needs to leave. You can’t serve the students of PSU when half of them have no respect or believe in you. Get him out.
I think he should resign. No doubt that he may be a good person and passionate about his job, but people in power are on a higher pedestal and need to be more cautious about their actions. People say we should give him a second chance, well he’s had three now. I believe he could still perform his duties as President well, but ethically speaking he isn’t a sound candidate and representative. Think, what will be the perceived message if Rahmlow stays in office? This is an educational moment for Rahmlow and ASPSU to, in the words of Spike Lee, “Do the right thing.” If the right thing is to keep the position then stop F****** up, tell the truth, respect the consequences, and prepare to be criticized for your actions in and out of office. Welcome to politics.
He illegally tape recorded a conversation with the editor in chief, and then after he’s busted on that he declines to be interviewed in person any further. Shady!
Actually, the Editor-in-Chief is mistaken about ORS 165.540.
It is one person, not ALL Persons, as the article quotes. Here is what the specific statue says:
(1) Except as otherwise provided in ORS 133.724 or 133.726 or subsections (2) to (7) of this section, a person may not:
(a) Obtain or attempt to obtain the whole or any part of a telecommunication or a radio communication to which the person is not a participant, by means of any device, contrivance, machine or apparatus, whether electrical, mechanical, manual or otherwise, unless consent is given by at least one participant.
Here is the page where you can find it:
I, myself, am a former journalist and actually learned this while in journalism school.
My bad, I didn’t read it clearly.
(a) deals with phone communications
(c) deals with in-person communications
The Editor is right in the quote.
I think people are a little confused as to how ASPSU Senators are appointed to the Senate.. The potential new Senators first fill out an application and then they go through an interview process with the current Senators. If we feel the candidate isn’t qualified for whatever reason, then we simply do not recommend that they be appointed. Also, the Senate has full authority on appointing a new candidate (once they’ve gone through an interview and are recommended) through a majority vote during meetings. Adam does have a voice in this process, but the process is mostly left to current Senators.
On the other hand, Senators can also be elected into the Senate during Spring term when we have our ASPSU-wide elections.
So Adam puts his friends in the seats, and you approve of more of your clique appointed into the seats. Sounds like a winning plan. ASPSU is a F******g joke.
Actually, everyone that fully fills out a Senate application is entitled to an interview.. A lot of the people who come in and fill one out are new to ASPSU, and sometimes even new to PSU and would very much like to get involved in our student government.
The interview process is the biased portion. An interview does not guarantee a non-biased exertion within the hiring process. I really hope you are not in ASPSU Connie, but by your sheer inability to recognize this notion, you probably are.
What process would you recommend for nominations and confirmations to ensure that there is no bias in the process?
I don’t understand why you feel the interview process is biased, but I would like to invite you to speak with me about it if you do have an issue with the process. is my email if you would like to schedule a meeting.
Funny. The two people who are responding to you are a former member of the Elections Board, who dismissed all of Rahmlow’s numerous election violations last year, and a sorority officer who ran on Adam Rahmlow’s slate.
And, for the record, both of these Senators voted yes to doubling the Senate’s pay, which is taken directly from Student Fees.
I know ASPSU has a reputation for being cliquey, but this is just sad and ridiculous. If it wasn’t causing actual harm to the students at Portland State, it would be funny. But it’s not funny. At all.
It’s past time for President Rahmlow to resign. He’s proven that he simply can’t be trusted with the job. And the Senate is doing a fine job of proving that they are unwilling to stand up for the students.
If there was a bias in getting appointed to the Senate then I wouldn’t be on the Senate, given that the nature of the infractions hearings after the controversies last spring.
And the members of the Senate did not vote to increase its own pay. Next year’s group is getting a pay raise, which will be decided in a democratic process.
Honestly, what does being an officer in a sorority have anything to do with this issue?
Ethan, nicely said.
By the way, with the pool we had going, I think we both owe Aaron Powell five bucks.
Because people like me were verbally assaulted in the park blocks by your sorority for not supporting Mr Rahmlow in last year’s election.
Your sorority disenfranchised and intimidated students in last year’s student elections regularly, I’ve got more than enough people to back that up if you need further testimony about it. Thanks.
Disenfranchised, verbally assaulted, and intimidated students? How? I know for a fact that I was the only member of my sorority who was actively tabling during elections in the Spring because I was running for a Senate position.
That’s just not true. Lauren Morency, a high profile member of your sorority and former ASPSU Vice President, was one of your and Adam’s biggest supporters. Not only did she wear your shirts while in the Park Blocks, she actively campaigned for your slate.
But let’s not get away from the point: Your loyalty to President Rahmlow instead of the students is part of the problem. This is not about Adam. It’s about the office. It doesn’t matter who the President is. When that President puts his own desires ahead of the needs of the students, he is no longer able to serve.
Rahmlow was not thinking about the students when he went on a camping trip. He was not thinking about the students when he refused to get permission for the trip. He was not thinking about the students when he lied to the court. Rahmlow was thinking about himself.
The students deserve better.
He should Resign. It is just a bad example. He should make a public statement, apologize and Resign. Then, new elections should be held or proceed according with the ASPSU constitution. Simple.
There seems to be a persistent belief that President Rahmlow was simply visiting his grandmother, which caused him to violate his probation. This is just another lie by a dishonest student leader. He was rock climbing and camping with his brother. Without permission. Then lied about it in court.
It is time for this President to resign so the students can have fair and proper representation.
Get a real life please! Adam is a competent–and coincidentally–HUMAN guy. He’s doing a good job and that’s what I care about. Nowadays 1 in 14 Americans is involved in the justice system–sometimes they’re leaders and we have to say “America has a hypersensitive justice system and this person is involved in it BUT (hold the phone) I) Are they a “bad” person? and II) Does this have anything to do with their performance?
If the answers are no then shut the front door already!
I) Are they a “bad” person?
No. He makes bad choices which affect the students of Portland state and tarnishes the school’s reputation.
II) Does this have anything to do with their performance?
Yes. He was in jail when he should have been representing students. It was literally impossible for him to fulfill his duties because he was sitting behind bars. What’s more, his probation has been extended a year.
Wish there was a thumbs down button next to these comments…hem hem webmaster…hem hem
President Rahnlow knows as well as we all do that his doing is wrong. Violating a probation to go rock climbing with his brother is wrong, lying about it again is wrong. Although his ability to perform his duties is affected slightly to greatly affected depending on when he is absent. However another individual who can perform the same duties, a cleaner representation of the student body/PSU, and also does not at risk for being absent would be more beneficial for PSU.
With that said, President Raghnlow should humbly resign, apologize if he would like to retain a good relationship with individuals that he has lied to. Portland State University would like to reward another individual that will perform the duties, put effort in being a clean representative for PSU.
Senate meetings are open to the public, in case anyone was wondering. We convene every Tuesday at 5 PM in Smith 296. You are more than welcome to join in on a session and voice your concerns.
The people of this post are speaking, not everyone of us has the convenience of going to a meeting during our work hours. Let the words on this school newspaper and comments speak for us.
All I see is backhanded comments from one clique to another. The only difference is that some people are using their real names and other are not. I’m sure some of these comments against Adam are by people that worked on Ethan’s campaign. However I can’t help but note that Ethan got the lowest number of votes and now seems to use his formal title for a failed senate for pseudo clout.
Marcus Sis, was he the guy that brought most of the infractions against Adam? Most of which ended up having no grounds or anyone to attest to them.
Funny that the failed alumni are no better than the current president…
Can we recall ASPSU for reform?!
I’m actually not “the guy who brought most of the infractions against Adam”. Anyone on last year’s Elections Board can confirm that, so nice try.
I’d be interested to know who you heard that from though. Please share who you’re getting your misinformation from, as if I didn’t already know.
I like how you implied that Adam is a failure
I think the most interesting part about this article is the hidden recorder. Everyone by now knows Adam has a criminal record. That hasn’t stopped him from making a PSU political career for himself. What really matters is if he is going to keep violating laws. Without a doubt I am convinced that he will continue to break the rules, laws and lie about it as well.
Adam already knew about the recording law from his illegal meeting last year in student government. You can ask the current JBoard Chair for details. I’m not surprised he lied about it to the editor-in-chief.
This whole situation with Adam is an embarrassment to PSU.
As both an appointed (Spring 2011) and an elected Senator (currently), I’d like to mention two things:
The Senate does not impeach the Student Body President–the Judicial Board does. Any student who feels they have cause may bring a charge of impeachment to the Judicial Board. The Judicial Board will determine if there is cause. If the Judicial Board determines articles of impeachment are appropriate they will file the articles which then must be heard by the Senate in a public trial.
Under our current President, the system for bringing new officers into ASPSU is the most open and unbiased that any of us are aware has ever been in place.
If you have any ideas as to how to reform YOUR student government, let your Senator know; and if you truly believe you have grounds for impeachment then go to the Judicial Board. And yes, I did vote for an increase in award to Tier 2 positions: The Senate, Judicial Board, and Elections Board. I really hope people realise that it is next year’s officers who will benefit, not this year’s, so if you think you would do a better job, run for office, and if you receive the higher compensation and come to realise that it does help a little, and it helps bring in people from lower economic statuses perhaps you’ll look back at us a little more favourably.
As it is now, the average Senator, Judicial Board member, and Elections Board member receive about $52 a week to try and serve their fellow students. We’ve asked that it be raised to about $73. Considering the work that many do–the lobbying, the research, the meetings with administration and lawmakers, the outreach, the fighting to keep tuition from rising 12-15% per year, the fights to keep our faculty here, and more–asking each student if they can give about $0.80 per quarter to support this work (that is the amount I believe is the cost for tier 2 per student) which can result in hundreds of dollars in savings isn’t going too far. If you disagree lobby us, run for office, become Senators and vote to reduce the amount to what you think is right. But no matter how you approach it, contact us directly…this is not really a forum for change, this is a forum for complaints. If you actually want change, 23 Senators are waiting to hear from you; not from the comments section of the Vanguard’s website.
AND: to the Vanguard: do not publish/print this comment unless it is printed in its entirety.
I still completely disagree with you concerning next year’s pay increases for tier 2 officers, but thanks for being reasonable and intelligent in your response. ASPSU could learn from your maturity.
Cool story. I’m going to speak as an average student, meaning I have no involvement with the ASPSU in anyway (except being a student). If you have read all the articles about Adam’s actions and his history, you can easily see what a corrupt person he is, especially this late in the term.
After reading your side of the story, students can still spot corruption in ASPSU workers, along with Adam. It is not farfetched to think that some ASPSU staff are working with Adam to find ways to exploit the system for personal gain. For instance, the issue on raising ASPSU worker’s salaries for next year’s ASPSU staff; perhaps before the proposal ASPSU discussed privately (among the staffs/selective staffs or not) on how the raise can be shared among the current ASPSU staff (just a reasonable thought which is very do-able).
Where am I going with this? You and the majority of the individuals working with Adam say almost the same thing (support/excuses for each other and encourage us to talk to you guys about the issues). The issues on Adam is solid, yet it is funny how it is not clear to you people that something needs to be done about Adam, as he is not fit as ASPSU president due to all the lies, his hidden agendas, and MULTIPLE illegal actions. The student body by now gets the sense that the senators and other staff would do the right thing, which they have not. Students and others who share the same concern have no course of action but to complain in the Vanguard discussions, because you people are not willing to do the right and obvious thing.
AND: This message isn’t directed to all of ASPSU members (as I’m sure there are some what’s really best for PSU), but seriously this is a big problem with Adam and you guys don’t need us students to keep reminding you that it is, so please do the right thing. No point in telling us to come in and discuss it in person when there are issues on Adam with solid proof that he is INCAPABLE of being the honest president and one that can follow the laws and standard regulations.
“some doing what’s really best for PSU)” ***
In the last five years as an observer of ASPSU, I have seen some truly crooked politicians. I have seen SFC members who used their student group budgets as their personel expense fund. I have seen $30,000 retroactive raises to SALP administrators, and I have seen ASPSU presidents who funneled student fees to their future employers, OSPIRG. But I have never seen an ASPSU President who provided the leadership and service to the student body as Adam Rahmlow has. Futhermore, Ethan Allan Smith’s comments that a student athlete would not be treated so leniately is completely false. Anyone remember the basketball player Jeremiah Dominguez?
alex daurora
Well said Alex. It’s reassuring to hear from another person, it just shows that there are people probably many that don’t have the same trust within ASPSU anymore, especially this year and the years to come. We are suppose to come to them and trust them? Yet they can’t even do the obvious and right call even when the facts are out there against Adam as clear as day. It shouldn’t have to take the Vanguard or students to lay everything out for them. The ASPSU know what’s wrong and public would seem to got it right in calling them spineless to deal with this issue. If things continue as they are with nothing being done, you can bet that there are going to be a dramatic decrease of students involved with ASPSU or want to hear what ASPSU has to say. I’m glad this is my last year, so I don’t have to physically be here and see that PSU name will be tarnished if this is the type of stuff that’s going to occur throughout this year and the years to come.
I just want to make it clear tp “funnybutstick”? that I support Adam Rahmlow. There are a lot of crooked politicians, but he is not one of them. He is just a young man who made a couple of mistakes. Impeachment is for shady politicians, not young men who make mistakes.
Repeatedly lying to the students you’re supposed to represent as well as law enforcement seems pretty shady to me.
And don’t forget the illegal hidden tape recorder when talking to the editor just recently. That goes above and beyond “mistake,” and shows an absolute lack of remorse on Adam’s part.