Senatorial Candidate David Jimenez

Senatorial Candidates

Question one: What is your major, year in school? What do you want to do when you graduate (or grow up, whichever comes first)?

Question two: What qualifies you (experience) and what characteristics would you bring to the senate that will make you a vital part of the student senate?

Question three: What do you see as the most important aspect of the position you are applying for?

David Jimenez

1. Political science, fourth year, Fight the Corporate Establishment.

2. I have served on the Senate for the last two years and feel that I am well experienced with the issues on the PSU campus. Along with this I am active in several student groups, KPSU 1450 and the Popular Music Board, which has brought me in contact with a multitude of students.

3. To represent the students voices as best as possible.