Vagina Monologues to return to PSU

Preparation for PSU’s fourth annual production of the VaginaMonologues is already underway.

The PSU Women’s Resource Center hosts the play, along withhundreds of other college campuses all over the world, through thesupport of a non-profit corporation called V-Day.

V-Day raises money to fund grassroots, national andinternational organizations and programs that work to end violenceagainst women and girls. Eve Ensler, author of the VaginaMonologues, founded V-Day. She then released the script to collegecampuses to help raise money for this cause. In seven years, theV-Day movement has raised over $25 million.

All Vagina Monologues performances donate 100 percent of allticket sales to a local nonprofit organization that works to endviolence against women. PSU alone has raised over $30,000, donatingit to the Portland Women’s Crisis Line and the TriCounty SexualAssault Taskforce.

Tickets go on sale in January for shows on Feb. 10, 11 and 12.Past productions have always sold out.

“You don’t have to have any theater experience [to be acast member],” said Aimee Shattuck, PSU’s Women’s Resource Centercoordinator. “In fact, we encourage participation of all women.People who have once been shy in front of groups or who had a hardtime finding their voice as women have found themselves as a strongand powerful force on stage. It has been a moving experience towatch this unfold the last few years.”

General interest meetings about the production were held Nov. 3and 4. Cast and crew auditions will be on Wednesday, Nov. 17 from 3- 6 p.m. or Thursday, Nov. 18 from 6 – 9 p.m. in Smith Room 294.Performers, stagehands, planning/PR, performance day volunteers,and lighting and sound techs are needed. The success of everyVagina Monologues production depends solely on the love and supportof volunteers.

For more information, contact Aimee Shattuck in the Women’sResource Center, Smith Room 28 or email

For more about V-Day, go online to