ASPSU is working toward getting as many people registered as possible by April 27, which is the deadline for new registrants in the state of Oregon for the primary election.
Voter registration, round two
ASPSU is working toward getting as many people registered as possible by April 27, which is the deadline for new registrants in the state of Oregon for the primary election.
Though ASPSU is not running as active and visible of a campaign as it did in the fall, it’s focusing on the educational and governmental aspects of this year’s gubernatorial election.
“We are focusing on education and Get Out the Vote so much because this primary includes two constitutional changes,” said Katie Markey, the interim Legislative Affairs director, who is in charge of all the voter registration for this school year.
Oregon constitutional changes are up for consideration through Measures 68 and 69, which could directly affect the Oregon University System for the coming years. Measure 68 revises the Oregon Constitution and allows the state to issue bonds to match voter-approved school district bonds for capitol costs. Measure 69 amends the Oregon Constitution and continues and modernizes the authority for lowest-cost borrowing for community colleges and public universities.
“It is important to remember that ASPSU and our vote coalition partners are nonpartisan,” said Markey.
Once all materials are finalized, ASPSU will have voter education guides available for students outlining what a “yes” or a “no” vote would mean for both ballot measures. Another thing that students should remember is that Oregon has a closed primary system.
A closed primary system means one can only vote for candidates in the party with which they are registered. The ballot measures will be on every ballot, and those who are not registered with a political party but are still registered to vote will receive a ballot with just the ballot measures, and no option to vote for candidates.
“Our Get Out the Vote campaign will focus mainly on visibility and collection,” Markey said.
“We will have ballot boxes in our usual locations: the ASPSU office, library and info desk. In addition to these we will have two large ballot boxes in the Park Blocks where students can drop off their ballots,” Markey said.
Ballots are delivered to the county elections office every night. If any student is interested in getting involved with the drive or any other ASPSU campaign, there are many volunteer opportunities.
Students who are interested can contact Kate Markey at or can stop by the ASPSU office, which is located in Smith Memorial Student Union near the information desk.