Basil balsamic fennel salad

A salad that thinks outside the box

Most salads start with a bed of lettuce or spinach. Thrill your guests next time you’re dining on greens with this fennel salad recipe!

When We Peak

Is there a specific time for our sexual prime?

It’s been a perpetual health myth that men reach their sexual performance peak during their teen years and that woman don’t hit theirs until their mid-30s. Does this mean our species is doomed to a life of missed sexual opportunities? Will we never truly be in tune with our lovers because we’re reaching our respective prime-times decades apart? Is the best sex only had between young men and cougars?

Talk to me, baby: A sexy spoken word now and then can really heat things up, but don’t go overboard!

Mistakes to avoid in bed

From ouch!to ewww!to oh-so very wrong!

Men, women, straight, gay, lesbian, bi, poly—almost everyone loves getting down and dirty. Sex is simply a part of the human experience. We were given genitals and the ability to orgasm for a good reason. Why not do everything we can to make it as rad as possible?

Spicy peanut chicken

This meal is positively nutty!

Challenge your pallet to a feat of strength! This spicy peanut chicken and broccoli recipe has just enough kick to really tingle your tongue. It’s a quick fix for dinner that has a delicious balance of tang and sweetness. And few ingredients are required to get this tasty Thai recipe cooking.

Tasty dish: You’ll want to eat this chowder whole.

Hot corn chowder!

Smooth, creamy goodness for therain-drenched soul

In case you haven’t noticed, it’s really wet outside. Coming home every day soaked to the bone can really take it out of you. Luckily, you can brighten your spirits with some hot golden corn chowder. Its warm, creamy texture will fill any empty belly, and the added cheddar and cayenne pepper gives it a savory, spicy bite!

Bacon breakfast panini

Prepare your French toast like a true connoisseur

Breakfast shouldn’t be just the most important meal of the day; it should also be the tastiest.

French toast is delicious any day of the week, but why not up the ante and turn it into a crazy breakfast panini? There’s simply no good reason to eat all your favorite breakfast ingredients separately. This recipe gives them all a chance to party on a grilled sandwich!

Red fettuccine

Chow down on a hot, sweet Italian dinner!

Looking for an Italian dish that makes you scream, “Mama Mia!”? Maybe not. That’s a little silly, and not many people dig ABBA these days. But this recipe will surely make you say, “Wow, this is crazy delicious, which reminds me: I love eating food!” It’s a dinner that can be prepared in no time, and it’s a brilliant, tasty balance of sweet and spicy.

Tropical curry chicken salad

A funky fresh-fruit explosion!

Looking for a healthy salad option that won’t bore your taste buds? This tropical curry chicken salad presents some wonderfully exotic flavors. It’s a tangy treat that serves as a refreshing option for your regular dinner salad. Plus, it is a great meal to throw together at the last minute and requires few ingredients.

The bystander effect

All PSU students should keep alert

The bystander effect happens every single day all over the world. A stranger is in trouble, and somehow the more people that surround them, the less likely they’ll receive any form of help.

It is a tragic psychological effect that takes hold, leaving perfectly capable people to stand idly by while a person in need is left defenseless. With recent assaults on the PSU campus as well as other attacks around Portland, it brings into question: Who will take a stand and help those in need?

Not yo’ mama’s grilled cheese

A goat-cheese twist on the classic standby

Grilled cheese sandwiches are a staple of American food culture, a classic that you can never really tire of. Cheese and bread were just meant to be together. Love at first sight.

Zucchini crostini

Fun to pronounce and even more fun to eat!

At your next shindig, why not trade in your boring chips and salsa for a tasty appetizer that’s ready in no time? Made with fresh vegetables and baked warm in your oven, this zucchini crostini is a healthy way to satisfy your guests’ empty bellies without forcing them to indulge in empty calories.