Facebook works with its users to prevent suicide

How a new reporting function may save lives

Every day, approximately 100 Americans end their lives by suicide. According to statistics gathered by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, over 36,000 people in the United States will take their own life each year.

A new tool recently implemented on Facebook will hopefully take part in preventing some of these deaths. With over 800 million users on Facebook, this new application could prove to be a true lifesaver.

Vitamin-rich kale salad

A whole garden of flavor for your mouth!

Kale is perhaps the most untapped cruciferous vegetable. Often dismissed for being harder to chew than cabbage but not as hearty as broccoli, kale, when prepared properly, can be a delicious option to include in your diet. This mean green antioxidant is a vitamin-rich dark and leafy vegetable that can lower your cholesterol and fit your fiber needs.

Immunity smoothie

Give your health an Emergen-C boost during winter term

As winter quarter begins, staying healthy is perhaps the biggest obstacle we face as students. Upon returning to campus, we are exposed to cold weather and reacquainted with the germs of our fellow classmates (much of the Vanguard staff, by the way, is currently sniffling and sneezing away the season).

Bridge over troubled water

Pollution and a high price tag make the Morrison Bridge remodel a nightmare

The Morrison Bridge remodel was set to be finished by November 2011. Yet on Jan 3, 2012, construction was just resuming on a project less than half-way complete at this point.

Between a poor contracting choice, pollution violations during construction and constant delays, commuters and city officials alike have a massive headache instead of a functional bridge.

Pumpkin pancakes

A hot holiday breakfast to warm you up and fill you out!

The holidays are a special time of year when we let ourselves gluttonously indulge in deliciousness. But while we pig out on decadent and sinful dishes for dinner, let us not forget even breakfast deserves some holiday cheer.

This recipe for pumpkin pancakes covered with a smooth sweet cream topping is heavenly and warm enough to melt the heart of any Jack Frost. These gooey and luscious pancakes perfectly incorporate all of your favorite holiday flavors.

Peanut butter chocolate snowball cookies

The no-bake way to satisfy your holiday sweet tooth

Oven occupied by your holiday turkey? Never fear—no-bake cookies are here!

These peanut butter chocolate snowball cookies are a fun winter treat that you can throw together in no time. Their rich, fudgy texture is sure to win over any Grinch this season. And with no baking necessary, you can use your oven for other endeavors, like making more pies!

The doctor is in

Mandatory fees got you down? Get your money’s worth!

If college is one thing, it’s expensive. The majority of us will graduate with some accumulated debt no matter how much we try to avoid it. With the cost of tuition, books, housing and food, every additional cost tacked on is another headache.

It seems a lot of students hold grievances with the mandatory health service fee in particular. For those of us who already have insurance, this added program may appear pointless. But if you look a little closer, this fee includes a lot of valuable student kickbacks.

A salad that can’t be beat.

Beets can’t be beat

A luscious alternative salad for Thanksgiving!

Although Dwight Schrute from NBC’s The Office is a pretty socially awkward guy, he’s got one thing right for sure: Beets are awesome. These heart shaped bulb-like roots have a distinct and earthy taste that pairs wonderfully with other vegetables.

This recipe for a crisp corn and beet salad makes for a sweet dish that’s rich in color and perfect for holiday dining. Plus, these dark red delicious roots are full of antioxidants, packed with vitamins and high in fiber. Serve it up hot or cold as a side dish, or on top of your favorite poultry as a unique slaw.

The end of Occupy?

Where will the movement go next?

The inevitable has finally happened. After weeks of camping out in the rain in makeshift tents and yurts, the protesters have finally been made to go home, for those who have one. After Mayor Adam’s eviction announcement that occupiers must vacate the area come Sunday at midnight, the movement was met with a huge swell of support. Though Saturday night found thousands joined together for one last hurrah, Portland police had every last protester out by the end of Sunday.

If you drive Main Street passing the Lownsdale and Chapman Squares, it’s a sorry sight. A few scattered police officers stalk the recently erected fences that now cage the empty parks. The once-grassy area is now dead and muddy, and there are cleaning crews sweeping around to gather the last pieces of debris.

Hot and fruity holiday cider

Spice up your holiday party!

As the temperature drops and the holidays draw near, it’s time to find ways to toast your insides and spread thanksgiving warmth and cheer.

This hot and fruity holiday cider recipe is a sweetly spiced way to make your guests feel at home. Don’t bother with cider mixes from the store, which are often cloying and sugary and lacking flavor. Cooking up this cider on your stovetop will fill your house with a rich and delicious welcoming aroma.

I can haz ur home? With colder weather ahead, now might be the best time to adopt or foster a pet.

It’s raining cats and dogs

Do your part to help overcrowding in shelters this winter

Portland notoriously has a huge issue with homeless pets and stray animals. When winter hits each year, hundreds of animals are left to fend for themselves during the rainy season.

While there are many organizations and animal shelters doing their best to keep homeless pets safe and healthy, the sheer number of animals needing care is overwhelming. Animal lovers all over the city take strays into the various shelters, saving them from the cold. But what happens to those animals afterward is dependent on the kindness of Portland citizens. Fortunately, there are numerous ways that even students can help.