Again? Again. Against reason, America keeps trying to move backwards. There’s a lot to unpack out of Donald Trump’s decision to back out of the Paris Climate Agreement, from the…
Summer classes are underrated
After working your butt off during the intense quarter system that Portland State has, you deserve a break in the summer. It’s completely justified. However, you should definitely consider summer…
The Graduate? What to consider when looking at grad school
Not everyone wants to think about grad school. If it wasn’t in your school career plan from the get-go, following up school with, well, more school might not sound like the most…
Can the swamp drain itself?
With the revolving door of pundits and figures who are metaphorically shooting themselves in the foot, I have to wonder—can the swamp drain itself? “Drain the swamp”—a political term making…
Uncomfortably advanced tech
It’s an afternoon in early April, and I’m reading a story about workers in Sweden implanting microchips into their bodies. The story itself isn’t as sinister as it sounds—Sweden’s work environments…
The internet, the government and the generation gap
During the first week of April, the U.S. president signed a piece of legislation eliminating rules that require internet service providers to receive your consent before selling your potentially sensitive…
The EPA is filling with swampwater (and that affects us all)
The United States Senate confirmed Scott Pruitt as the 14th administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency on Feb. 17, 2017. The decision was 52–46 in favor of Pruitt, and while…
This is Portland. Quit complaining about rain and get on out there!
This may come as a shock to some of you, but sometimes it rains in Portland. (I hope you were sitting down for that.) According to Bustle, it rains an…
Comparison is an artist’s drug of choice
It’s easy to joke about artists taking drugs, but there’s only one drug that all artists truly take: the act of comparison. Obviously, comparison is an act and not actually…
The responsibility of free speech
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of…
Stumbling the information highway
I consistently ask myself, “What am I even using Facebook for?” Despite the multitude of websites, communities and news outlets that are available at my fingertips, I keep falling to…