Your favorites are problematic. The rape culture in America is ubiquitous, and the best and most popular media isn’t exempt from this. In America, nearly one in five women have…
The ol’ bump ‘n’ grind
The time is right. Conditions are almost perfect. The only thing between you and a night of sexiness is the right soundtrack. Don’t be someone who just leaves your iTunes…
Hey! Put a lid on those sexy times!
Do you live in a dorm room? Are those walls paper-fucking-thin? Of course they are, that’s part of the charm of living in a dorm. Inviting that special someone over…
Dil-dos and dil-don’ts: A beginner’s guide to sex toys
When it comes to sex toys, it is important for you to think outside of the box—quite literally. It’s okay to be curious and spontaneous. However, I would advise you…
Dick pic etiquette
Modern technology has greatly changed sexuality as we understand it. Why, it feels like just yesterday I was meeting eligible women in bars and having interesting, consensual conversation. Nowadays I…
Safe sexting to keep you sexy
Sexting subculture is a real thing, so much that celebrities are getting hacked and their nude photos are being posted online. Sending sexually explicit messages can spice up your sex…
Student insurance at SHAC
Portland State requires every student taking five or more credits to enroll in a valid health insurance plan. PSU provides a student insurance plan for students through Aetna Student Health….
Treat yo’self to a healthy mind
You can exercise and eat all the raw kale you want. You can study six hours per day and get eight hours of sleep per night. You can take all…
Student resources on campus
Center for Student Health and Counseling 1880 SW 6th Avenue, University Center Building Medical and Counseling Services: 503–723–2800 Dental Services: 503–725–2611 Testing Services: 503–725–5301 La Casa Latina 229 Smith…
How to be kinky
Are you in an unsatisfying relationship? Something missing in the bedroom or life in general? Whether you’re just bored or you’ve been curious about BDSM for a while, the point…
More sleeping, less cramming
Last term during dead week, as I was walking to my morning class, I was stopped by a woman standing in the bed of a truck offering me a free…