Rap renaissance

Can Kendrick Lamar’s new album transform him from indie darling to major label star?

Can Kendrick Lamar’s new album transform him from indie darling to major label star?

If you want to see a fun show, go to a rap concert. But if you want to see pure and unadulterated fandom from every single person in a sold-out show, then you should have been at the Kendrick Lamar concert last Saturday at the Roseland Theater.

Murderous puppets

Local puppet troupe presents The Tell-Tale Heart at PSU

If you think puppets are only for children, think again: Filled with mystery, murder and oozing blood, Tears of Joy Theatre’s adaptation of “The Tell-Tale Heart” is coming to PSU’s Lincoln Studio Theatre just in time for Halloween.

The teachings of Confucius today

PSU invites Dr. Peter Bol to discuss Confucianism for a modern society

“It helps us as world citizens to understand that these non-Western philosophies are alive with these ideas that change and shift and debate are not alien,” said Sharon Carstens, director of the Portland State Institute for Asian Studies and professor of anthropology and international studies at PSU.

Memoirs of Algerian independence

Hamou Amirouche gives firsthand account at PSU

From 1954 to 1962 the country of Algeria, then colonized, fought France for its independence. In 1962, Algeria gained their freedom. Now, 50 years later, Hamou Amirouche, a former lieutenant and freedom fighter in the war, will visit Portland State and give his firsthand account on the war and his experiences.

British culture wars

Center for Public Humanities holds lunch and lecture

“The last 100 years have brought dramatic changes to Britain,” said Tracy J. Prince, scholar-in-residence for the Portland Center for Public Humanities. These changes are revealed in her upcoming lecture, which will touch on issues raised in her book Culture Wars in British Literature: Multiculturalism and National Identity.

Walk of life

Healing Feathers fights suicide in new way

Portland ranked number 12 in a 2011 article listing the top 15 suicidal cities in the United States, according to businessinsider.com. The Healing Feathers Suicide Prevention Awareness Project has made it its mission to lower these numbers.

A night of platforms, pumps and poses

Portland’s own Solestruck celebrates its first anniversary

Last weekend, in a smoke-filled warehouse just off Interstate Avenue, Portland-based shoe company Solestruck teamed up with Ladygunn Magazine to ring in the one-year anniversary of its flagship store in Portland

Grab a chip for eggplant dip

A creamy, healthy seasonal snack

Unusually light in weight with a body like a bulbous, purple alien baby, the eggplant is a deliciously misunderstood vegetable. Some are perplexed by its preparation; the eggplant’s spongy qualities and interesting texture make it prime for culinary confusion. But with this simple recipe, you can deconstruct the eggplant and transform it into a savory, Greek-inspired dish.

Euro-style art party

The Projects festival blends comics and experimental art

A comics festival usually conjures up the same image from person to person: one imagines a wide-open floor with many tables full of shops selling geeky knickknacks and apparel, comic writers and artists signing their work from a chair and more than a few comics enthusiasts squeezed into ill-fitting superhero garb.

Music has arrived

Portland State welcomes Viking Sound to bring some noise

The Viking faithful fill courts and fields with roaring crowds and electrifying energy, swept up in a spirited storm of school pride. And yet something has been missing. Enter the Viking Sound, Portland State’s new pep band.

Diane Keaton for dessert

Simon Benson Awards Dinner provides meat and potatoes, enlivened by bizarrerie

I don’t make it to too many “A list” awards dinners, and I now have a modicum of sympathy for those wealthy and powerful people whose schedules are crammed with them. Were I Gov. Ted Kulongoski or Jordan Schnitzer, I’d hope my tastes would be a little more refined than Jim Beam white label.