On March 2, Dr. Melody Rose will become the first woman chancellor since the Oregon University System’s first chancellor was selected in 1931. Rose will be assuming the duties of interim chancellor, replacing the current chancellor, George Pernsteiner, who resigned at the end of January.
From Iran, women’s words sing
Students and faculty members came together over coffee and lunch to take part in discussion and discovery in the Middle East Studies Center on Thursday. Attendees were presented with a lecture about women authors in Iran and their trajectory through history from Dick Davis, a professor of Persian and chair of the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures at Ohio State University.
Salem eyes tuition equity
Support is growing in Salem for tuition equity, an idea that would, for the first time in Oregon, grant access to in-state tuition to undocumented high school graduates who meet certain requirements.
Community weighs policing alternatives
Are there more than just two possibilities—armed or unarmed—for the future of Portland State’s Campus Public Safety Office? Around 100 Portland State students, faculty and community members attended a panel discussion Tuesday to explore other possibilities in the campus security discussion.
‘Cupcakes and Condoms’
Love was in the air as students put the finishing touches on their romantic Valentine’s Day plans Tuesday. Aware of the overpowering effect of Cupid’s arrows, La Casa Latina and the Center for Student Health and Counseling joined forces for a workshop, titled “Cupcakes and Condoms,” that aimed to inform students about sexual health.
Technology flows from PSU to Rwanda
There are about 2.5 billion people living on Earth who lack access to proper sanitation, and 783 million people do not have access to safe, clean drinking water, according to UNICEF. Portland State’s SWEETLab is doing something about it.
Culture and Conversation Series kicks off
“Through theatre [sic] games, interactive exercises and the creation of images, participants will explore themes of social justice, power and oppression,” according to the SSW website.
University maps your future
PSU’s new four-year maps feature a quarter-by-quarter breakdown of a student’s entire undergraduate career. Previously, the maps were only available from departments that opted to
create them.
Interfaith coalition connects students
Steven Balogh sat at the head of the eight students gathered on campus on Thursday. On the screen of his iPad were PowerPoint slides with words like “atheism,” “humanism” and “empiricism.”
Film versus Film airs full episodes online
Portland State film production professor and filmmaker Dustin Morrow’s web series Film versus Film is now being aired on the Philadelphia website Philly in Focus (phillyinfocus.com).
Class profile: ‘Laughing at History’
Imagine popping into class for an early evening comedy film every few days. That’s exactly what students in Victoria Belco’s “Laughing at History” course get to do.